Archive for May, 2011

Sleeper On Courtenay Place



Spotted this one as I was driving past and had to park the car and go back to get them. I ended up taking about 4 shot before wandering away 🙂

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Picture Of Self

Self portrait in mirror

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.



Dog On Cuba Street



Dog waiting for it owner on Cuba Street.

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Titahi Bay

Last Sunday I went on a shoot with a friend to Titahi bay. We predominately went to take landscapes but old habits die hard and I ended up taking more images of people than of landscapes. We probably looked a bit odd since I was shooting with Rollei and he was shooting with a Mamiya  RZ67.

Its a great area to shoot and gets the last of the sun so the light is awesome in the late afternoon. We also found a couple of places I hadn’t been before. I think I need to go back and try and take more people shots of the people in the boat sheds…

A Lost Sleeper And Another Blanket Man Sleeper Shot

I have been going through my collection of images lately with an outlook to organise them into sets when I found this image from the Rugby 7’s in February. It was about 4 in the afternoon and this guy had crashed at a bus stop… I’m not sure what he was supposed to be dressed up as.

The second one is blanket man again from last weekend. I love how he is lying across the footpath and people just walk around him.

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film (bottom image, not sure with top image), CanoScan 9000F Scanner (bottom one) Noritsu (top one)

Orca Spotting In The Harbor

Last Friday Sam and I went out shooting as usual, making the most of the fine weather that has since departed. As we parked the car on Oriental Parade we noticed people staring out into the harbor. We got out of the car and put Sam into the backpack and went and had a look.

It turned out to be a pod of Orca cruising round the harbor.

Now a Rolleiflex isn’t the best camera to take images of things far away so I settled on taking images of the people watching… However when I developed and scanned the film I did get one shot with an Orca in it (see image below between the two people on the left… If you cant see it I have enlarged it and it is the next image down).

After they had passed we continued on our walk and in the next marina we spotted a seal that the Orca must have chased in, it came within a few metres of us and just as I was about to take its photo someone stomped up behind us to have a look and scared it away (sigh). I hope he got away… Sam was saying “cat” and waving to it and the seal was waving back…Very cute.

Later in the day when we were driving out to Lower Hutt there was chaos on the motorway as people were pulling over and getting out of their cars to look at the Orcas as they continued on their way around the harbor basin.

Sometimes you gotta love Wellington 🙂

Above: Orca fin… This is why I didn’t get more images of them 🙂

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Kodak TMAX 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Rollei Night Shooting

I went out last Friday night shooting with a couple of friends. We headed to the waterfront since they both wanted to get some panos of the city. I started taking a pano when my trusty D70s became less than trusty and died on me again, it seems to die a lot lately, I must think of some diabolical way to make money to finally upgrade it… Not that I can really complain since I’ve had it for about 8 years and really thrashed it (the 18-70mm lens now only works from 18-57 and no longer has a focus ring). I did take a couple of Half Frame panos but my Demi is flaky at best and I wasn’t sure how they would turn out.

Anyway, so I got bored waiting for the other two and noticed that there seemed to be some portrait thing on with about three groups of people taking portraits with speedlights… Well time for some  Rolleiflex action 🙂

I haven’t done too much of this due to the fact that in low light it is really hard to focus since the original  ground glass screen is kind of dark at the best of times (still need to upgrade it to a much brighter Hasselblad on which is 2 to 3 stops brighter) so with these I just guesstimated the distances which is a little bit hit and miss.

The second shot was a total focus miss but I really liked how creepy it feels…

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Blog Post About Me :)

Yesterday I was featured in a blog for one of the photographers I work with… Check it out 🙂

Here’s one of the shots…

Cheers Bev

Drawing In The Sun

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Kodak TMAX 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Looking Down

Another Crossing image…

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Cigarette and All Stars

Girl having a coffee/cigarette/text break on Manners Mall.

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Kodak TMAX 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Sleepers. Blanket Man

Most cities have at least one notorious homeless person who everyone knows of, Wellingtons is Blanket Man… He sits on Courtenay Place in a loincloth wrapped in a blanket all day every day. I guess he sleeps there too…

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Kodak TMAX 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.