Archive for October, 2011

National Front

Caught up with these guys just as they were finishing up with their rally. Their rallys always tend to have a high number of police.

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Car Crash

Sometimes you don’t have to go out to get images… Sometimes they come to you.

This happened just along the road from where I live within view of my house. I waited until the ambulance had left before I headed down wondering how the police would feel about me being there taking photos. I needn’t have worried as at least three police officers came up to me (thinking I was busted) but only to talk about my camera 🙂

It appeared the car lost control going round the corner, rode up the bank and flipped onto its roof. The corner had just been resealed a couple of days before and it still didn’t have its top layer on yet as well as being wet but they may have just been going too fast…

No one was killed but not sure how badly hurt they were.

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

More RZ67 Test Shots

Took the RZ out to the cemetery in the weekend loaded with some Pan F+ 50 ISO Film to see how it would handle… I have to say I like the results 🙂

Mamiya RZ67, 180mm f4.5 Lens, Ilford Pan F+ 50 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Fever Hospital

The other week Fergus (Cunningvision) organised to be let into Wellingtons old Fever Hospital/Chest Hospital. There is talk that the SPCA is going to be taking it over and we thought it would be a good opportunity to document it before there were any changes made.

The place is supposed to be haunted and the night after we were there the Strange Occurrences Paranormal Investigation Group spent the night. I have to say that there was an eerie feeling to the place.

I have to say that this is one of the cooler places we have been to photograph and unfortunatley we both had prior arrangements so we couldn’t stay as late as we would have otherwise done.

Re-shoot will be done 🙂

Abandoned Ramp

In Normandale Wellington…

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Over The Wall

Spotted this guy taking a shot of the back of the Occupy Wellington tent site (at least that’s what I think he was taking)

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Occupy Wellington

Some shots from the Occupy Wellington Protest… These were pretty early on and seem to have gotten much bigger as the week has gone on…

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Feet And Hands

Saw this girl wedging herself into this gap to pose for a photo by her friend and couldn’t help but get one too 🙂

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

First Roll Through the RZ67

Went out yesterday to put a roll of film through my new (second hand) Mamiya RZ67 and 180mm f4.5.

Now don’t get me wrong I’m not really going to use this as a street shooting camera but I was testing to see how it would handle and to make sure it was all good 🙂

The 180mm lens kind of threw me after shooting pretty much nothing but an 80mm for the last year or so not to mention the rectangular aspect ratio.

I still have to get used to it but its a freaking sweet camera… I cant get over how bright the matte screen is compared to the 50 year old one thats in my Rollei (apparently you can put the RZ one into the Rollei with a but of tweaking)

Next its time to try some studio stuff and maybe some colour film…

The shot of the guy reading is a good example of how sharp this lens is… Its not a particularly good shot but if you look at second shot you can pretty easily see that he is reading Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere (which is one of my favorite books… I have signed first edition 🙂 )

Mamiya RZ67, 180mm f4.5 Lens, Fuji Neopan 400 (expired 09), CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

New Toy

Got a new camera last night, a Mamiya RZ67 Pro 1 with a 180mm f4.5 Lens (equivalent to about a 90mm on 35mm).

It makes my Rollei look pretty small by comparison. Cant wait to go and take some shots with it 🙂

Waiting For The Navy

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Cemetery Ringflash

Some more practice shots with the ring-flash…

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Nikon Sb24 Speedlite, Ringflash Attachment, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner