Archive for April, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Emily

Hard to believe that 5 years ago today Emily was born 🙂

Cameras various

In Between Buses

Lots of In betweens going on here…

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Half Frame Experimentation

Still trying to get my head into altering images within the Canon Demi S half frame camera.

Here go a couple of attempts. I have to remember to take more notice of leading/following edges in order to line stuff up. Of course I could do this post production but that would be cheating and spoil all the fun.

All the half frame images I am taking are scanned as one piece so its pretty much how it looks on the negatives.

Canon Demi S Half Frame, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Post Zombie Apocalypse Wellington Part 2

This series was shot at the same time as yesterdays Rollei shots but with a 19-35mm on my Nikon F5. A much wider angle of view than the Rollei but somehow I like the square images better.

Nikon F5, Tokina 18-35mm Lens, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Post Zombie Apocalypse Wellington

Ok the title is slightly sensationalist but came about from a friend mentioning that there was no one around in the city on Easter Friday and that it was like a Zombie Apocalypse had occurred.

Stuff like that makes me think… I have done some stuff over the years to take people out of the cityscapes (long exposures, multi stitch images) but not really gotten a truly deserted shot that I liked. So when Samantha woke up at 5am on Easter Sunday I decided to go out and try to get some (after Amanda had been woken up).

I left the house at about 730 and 30 seconds later it started to rain so I went back home and got an umbrella and the extra cable release I had forgotten and headed out again.

By the time I had parked the car (plenty of parking at 8am on a public holiday) it was still raining but not too badly so I took a couple of shots on Cuba street then the rain stopped.

There were still a few people around so for lots of the shots I had to wait for a bit and 1 image had to have someone I didn’t see taken out but other than that they are all as taken.

I like the way my eye looks for shapes that might be people since this is how I am used to seeing this scene.

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.


Smile during shop hours 🙂

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Urban Jungle

The council has put in free WiFi internet on the waterfront of Wellington, probably for the Rugby World Cup later in the year, so there has been an increase in computer users in this area.

I kind of like the comparison of the real trees and the large pole structures as well as the fact that there is no one else in the image apart from the computer user.

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

St James Sleeper

This guy was asleep outside the St James Theatre on Courtenay Place. This is the same place where I took the image of the drunks the day after.

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner

Man Reading Sign With Foot?

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

More Cemetery Half Frame

Some more shots from the Demi Half Frame.

The light at the cemetery was awesome just as the sun was going down.

Canon Demi S Half Frame, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Mad Hatters Tea Party?

Outside Armageddon/Comicon… I have just finished reading Alice in Wonderland to my daughter and this shot reminded me of the Queen of Hearts with a gesture of  “Off with your head!”

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

The Kind Of Shot I Want to Be Taking More Of

A shot of a couple of drunks on Saturday morning.

This is definitely the type of shot that I want to be taking more of, but constant don’t take due to being afraid to ask.

As it turned out the guy on the right asked me to take his photo after he saw my Rolleiflex and commented that it was a “cool camera”

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.