Posts tagged “Dark Halide

ShadowMask Part 2: Proof of concept 1

After cutting out the first gobo the plan was to test how well the overall concept worked in the studio environment using digital.

Planning diagram

Processed with VSCO

Studio setup


Actual lighting diagram

Processed with VSCO



The overall concept looks like it will work well with a little bit of tweaking especially with the light not associated with the gobo.

Still need to test using a “negative” gobo and then move onto a full scale test using large format film…

As I think about the overall project more and more I think it might end up being centered around “spirit animals” with each individual choosing which animal they most closely associate with.

More to come 🙂

Simon (@darkhalide)



Some shots from last week when I had a couple of sick children during school holidays and a kowhai tree outside my window.

Tui 1

Tui 2

Tui 3

Nikon D90, Nikon 80-200mm f2.8 Lens

Feather Scannergram Triptych

Been a while… Playing with my scanner again


Canon CanoScan 9000F Scanner.


2 Horses

Seen at the Petone fair a couple of weeks ago…


Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner



Demi Half Frame Print

Finally got round to printing a shot from my old Canon Demi S (deceased)

With the 6×6 enlarger mask I made I can only print 3 frames at a time so I might have to experiment with a slightly larger mask and hope the enlarger handles it. Hopefully I can get up to 5 frames printed…

Half Frame Cemetary

Canon Demi S, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner


Darkroom Action

I have been teaching a spot of darkroom lately. Its nice to be back and playing with prints again.

Here go a few print that I used for example for the students…


Tissue Paper

Tissue Border

Tissue paper border




Cellophane and Tissue paper.

Lost Civilisation

After all the flooding a couple of weeks ago it is strange the things you find washed down streams…


Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Small Studio

Sometimes you just don’t have that much space to work with 🙂

I ended up shooting from across the hall…

Small Studio

Nikon D90, Sigma 12-24mm Lens

Shooting From the Hip

I haven’t had much of a chance to go out shooting lately and to be perfectly honest I’m feeling a bit rusty.

Need to brush up on my distances by eye 🙂


Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.

Fire Dragons

No Photoshop involved. Straight form the camera

Dragon-2 Dragon-1


Nikon D90, 50mm f1.8 Lens, 3200 ISO. (No Photoshop)


Garage Studio

A bit of garage studio time today…



Observed on the side of a walking track… Human made or natural?


Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.