Posts tagged “Dresden Dolls

Dresden Dolls Wellington Opera House 2012 With A Rolleiflex

So if you have been following this blog or Twitter you will know that I got to go to the Dresden Dolls show in Wellington after winning a ticket from Amanda Palmer off of Twitter (and I never win anything!). I got my entry in slightly late but  mentioned that I had a 1957 Rolleiflex that wanted to meet her, she ended up giving me a ticket but saying that I owed her a photo… Sweet!

This post is pretty much for Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione to say thanks for a Super Wicked Show! (hopefully they get to see it)

All the shots are taken with said Rolleiflex, who I have to say outdid itself especially the ones of the show at 3200 ISO… Film is not dead! 🙂

At one point Amanda had to go for a piss so this guy came up from the audience to play… He did a pretty good job too 🙂

Just been told that his name is Ash Shields… You rock!

Drinks break while on the drums

Rolleiflex 2.8 E, Delta 3200, Hp5 400 and HP5 400 pushed to 3200 ISO Films

Burnt Out Building Half Frame And A Dresden Dolls Story

This image is a bit of a filler for today (sorry)… Why you ask? Well…

Yesterday when I got home from work and was checking stuff on the net I came across Amanda Palmer who was giving some tickets to her Dresden Dolls away if you tweeted your name and reason you wanted to go. Being slightly cheeky I tweeted that I had a 57 Rolleiflex that wanted to meet her and even though I just missed the cutoff I got a ticket but told I owed her a photo 🙂

Well I took Rollei along and even though there were some signs saying the usual don’t take photos or recordings I busted it out and took about 3 films worth (Amanda Palmer told me to)

Im currently developing those films and they will make up a post either later tonight or early tomorrow.

So if you like the Dresden Dolls come back and have a look shortly 🙂

By the way the show was freaking AMAZING! Thank you Amanda Palmer for the ticket!

Canon Demi S Half Frame Camera, Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO Film, CanoScan 9000F Scanner.